Treavor Eimers, MSN, CRNA
Treavor Eimers MSN, CRNA Senior Managing Partner with Sleepsmith, found his interest in anesthesiology while deployed in Kuwait. Trevor worked as an ICU nurse with the 47th Combat Support Hospital during Operation Iraqi Freedom. During his deployment, he spent his free time in the operating room being mentored by the CRNAs attached to the 47th CSH. Upon leaving the U.S. Army, he entered graduate school at Oakland University’s Beaumont Nurse Anesthesia Program. After getting his degree in 2009, Treavor moved to northern Michigan and worked in an autonomous practice that provided 24/7 coverage to a small rural hospital in Cheboygan, Michigan.
Treavor later teamed up with Alan Smith CRNA to form Sleepsmith Staffing in early 2018. Sleepsmith currently manages and provides anesthesia services at nine facilities throughout the Northern Lower and Upper Peninsulas of Michigan. He has a clinical interest in Ultrasound Guided Regional Anesthesia (UGRA) and acute pain management.
Treavor has a Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing from Michigan State University and Masters of Science in Nursing from the Oakland University Beaumont Graduate Program of Nurse Anesthesia Program. He is married to Dr. Kathleen Eimers and they have two daughters. When he is not working, Treavor enjoys hunting, fishing, boating, and traveling with his family.